Bumper recruitment advertisement for 5458 posts on 10 pass in Govt Company Yantra India Limited
Government Company Yantra India Limited Bumper Recruitment Advertisement for 5458 Vacancies on 10 Passes: Government Company Yantra India Limited has a very big recruitment advertisement on 10 Passes Interested candidates can apply online for this recruitment last date to apply online is 31 March 2023All the information related to this recruitment is given to you in this article

Bumper recruitment advertisement for 5458 posts on 10 pass in Govt Company Yantra India Limited
Organization Name : Yantra India Limited
Region: India
Category : Defense Product
Post : Various
Application Mode : Online
Job Location : India
Last Date to Apply : 30 March 2023
Name of the post
- As mentioned in the notification of Yantra India Limited, this company is inviting applications for two types of posts namely ITI and Non ITI.
Total vacancies
- Total vacancies in this Yantra India Limited recruitment are 5458 in which ₹3,50014 vacancies are for ITI pass while 1944 vacancies are for non ITI.
Educational Qualification
- Friends for two types of posts educational qualification is required for ITI pass post ITI whereas for non ITI pass post educational qualification 10 pass is required
Salary scale
- After being selected in this recruitment of Yantra India Limited, the candidate will be paid the pay scale as per Apprenticeship Rules of Government of India.
Selection process
- According to the notification of Yantra India Limited, the selection of the candidate will be done according to the following process
- First the candidates will be shortlisted based on their ITI and 10th standard marks
- Then they will be called for document verification
- After that their medical test will be conducted and then final selection will be done
Important link to apply
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