100 Choras Var Mafat Plot Yojna
100 Choras Var Mafat Plot Yojna By Panchayat Department: Implementation of new policy to improve scheme for giving free plot of 100 sq.ft residential accommodation plot or homeless building in rural areas 2019.
100 Choras Var Mafat Plot Yojana official Paripatra download
1. The state government’s scheme of free house plots for landless farm laborers and rural artisans living below the poverty line in rural Gujarat has been in operation since the year 1976. In the year 18, assistance scheme for construction of houses on such allotted plots was implemented. The Sardar Awas Yojana, which embodies the motto “Free Plot, Free Home”, has been implemented since the year 1997.
2. Initially provision was made to provide assistance of Rs. 20,000 / -. Provision has been made to provide assistance of Rs.45000 / – in three installments under this scheme from the year 2010. Accordingly, the first installment is 21,000 / – in advance, the second installment is 15,000 / – at lintel level and the third installment is 9,000 / – on completion of construction.
3. Covering most of the homeless beneficiaries with a BPL score of 15 to 20 in the state, in the year 2013, Total 4,29,900 houses were sanctioned covering eligible families with raw housing.
4. Subsequently, from the resolution of the Panchayat Department dated 08/08/2013, provision has been made to cover BPL families with score up to 15-20 under Indira Awas Yojana.
5. Under this scheme, provision has been made to allot free plots to eligible families without plots. So that the beneficiary family can build their own house with government help.
6. In addition, provision has been made for allotment of plots for “land acquisition”, as well as for “plot development”, “infrastructural facilities” such as drinking water, sewerage system, internal roads, electrification. So that the beneficiaries of the free plot area can receive the missing facilities.

Mafat Plot Yojna Gujarat All Paripatra – Gr and Curiculer (Tharav).
- Mafat Plot Yojna Ma Sudhara Paripatra Dated: 13-03-18
- Mafat Plot Yojna Ma Sudhara Paripatra Dated: 01-05-17
- Mafat Plot Yojna Ane Sardar Awas Yojna Sanklit Tharav Dated: 06-08-16
- Mafat Plot Yojna Ane Sardar Awas Yojna Sanklit Tharav Dated: 11-09-15
- Mafat Plot Yojna Land Committee Meeting Paripatra Dated: 24-04-15
- Mafat Plot Yojna Land Committee Meeting Ma Sudharo Paripatra Dated: 25-08-14
All Paripatra – Gr
Mafat Plot Yojna Ma Sudhara Paripatra Dated: 13-03-18 | Download click here |
Mafat Plot Yojna Ma Sudhara Paripatra Dated: 01-05-17 | Download click here |
Mafat Plot Yojna Ane Sardar Awas Yojna Sanklit Tharav Dated: 06-08-16 | Download click here |
Mafat Plot Yojna Ane Sardar Awas Yojna Sanklit Tharav Dated: 11-09-15 | Download click here |
Mafat Plot Yojna Land Committee Meeting Paripatra Dated: 24-04-15 | Download click here |
Mafat Plot Yojna Land Committee Meeting Ma Sudharo Paripatra Dated: 25-08-14 | Download click here |
Certificate Of Annual Income Of The Applicant
Applicant should not have any type of land. This will also include your house.
Applicant should be rural artisan or laborer.
The beneficiary should be of Pukhtvay. That is, the applicant should not be a Sagir.
The applicant should be included in BPL Yadi.
Certificate of annual income should be given by mamlatdar or taluka development officer.
Applicant should not have any type of land. This will also include your house
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