Vadodara Recruitment by Postal Department in Gujarat
Vadodara Recruitment by Postal Department in Gujarat: Indian Postal Department, Superintendent Post Office, Vadodara East Division, Vadodara is a golden opportunity to become an agent of Postal Life Insurance / Rural Postal Life Insurance. Read the official advertisement below for all recruitment information.
Recruitment in Vadodara by Postal Department in Gujarat
- Organization Name Indian Postal Department, Pravar Superintendent Post Office, Vadodara East Division
Total Vacancy Not Mentioned in Advertisement
Walk Interview Date 12/09/2022
Department of Posts Recruitment 2022 Educational Qualification
10th pass or equivalent educational qualification recognized by Central-State Govt.
- 18 to 50 years
Ex-Insurance Counselor Anganwadi Workers Women's Mandal Workers Self Help Group Workers Ex-Servicemen Retired Teachers Unemployed / Self-employed Youth, SSA / MPKBY Agents of Post Office or any person having the above qualifications.Special note
- An agent is not eligible for PLI / RPLI agency while working in any life insurance.
- Candidates who are selected as selection agents will have to deposit Rs.5000/- as NSC/KVP security deposit.
- Candidates appearing for the walk-in-interview will have to follow all the guidelines related to Covid-19 from the government.
- The candidate will have to appear for the walk-in interview alone.
Important Note:
Please read the official advertisement for desirable qualification, experience, age relaxation, job profile or other terms and conditions before applying.Postal Department Vadodara Recruitment 2022 How to Apply?
- Walk-in-interview for the post of Agent of Postal Life Insurance / Rural Postal Life Insurance is organized by the office of Pravar Adhikshak Dakghar, Vadodara East Division (Vadodara East Division, Raopura), Vadodara at the place, date and time mentioned below.
- Candidates fulfilling the following conditions and interested can apply.
Interview Venue:
- Pravar Adhiksha Dakpar, Vadodara East Division (Vadodara East Division), 3rd Floor, Behind Raopura Head Post Office, Raopura, Vadodara-390001, Date : 12 09/2022 (Monday)
Important Date:
- Interview Date: 12/09/2022 (Monday) Time: 10:30 to 01:30 hrs
Important Link:
- Job advertisement click here
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