Social science classroom decorations idea
Social science is a major category of academic disciplines, concerned with society and relationships among individuals within a society. Social science basically gives knowledge about the world, nation and society around us through the help of other disciplines. Economics, political science, history, law and geography can be considered as social sciences.K
The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people develop the ability to make reasonable decisions for public good as citizens of a culturally diverse and democratic society in an interdependent world.Why is it necessary to learn Social Science?
Learning social science helps students to understand human interactions that occurred in the past, are occurring now, and that are likely to occur in the future. This may help students develop and nurture values that will make it more likely that they will be able to determine what the right thing is and do it, especially when doing the right thing is difficult. It is about decency, respect, courage and honor.Studying history helps the students figure out their role in society as well as their place in history. They can learn how institutions, traditions and ideals change as society modernizes and how cause and effect, influence relationships between individuals, groups and nations. As students mature, the study of history gives them the chance to develop their research skills and the ability to think critically.
Education of geography explains the world in which we live. It encourages children to open their minds to many places humans live on this planet. As students learn about different places, they also become aware of the many cultural differences of the world’s populations. As they learn more about cultural differences, students begin to find that there are a large number of cultural similarities as well.
Civics helps the students to learn that they are part of a larger society that must have structure in order to operate for the good of all the people in the group. This basic sense of citizenship starts in the primary grades as students work to monitor classroom rules and expands as students study the electoral process, the branches of government and how citizens interact within the laws of a society in more advanced classes.
Social science classroom decorations idea
General Issue of Low Scores in the subject of Social Science:Students do not consider social studies to be an important area of study. English, mathematics and science rank higher because students see these subjects as preparing them for careers and teaching important skills which they will need in the future.Social Science is a subject which requires lots of reading. Many times it is found that students lack reading skills and therefore their scores are low.
For many students social science becomes a boring subject and they score low as they are not interested in knowing about historical events and history or about the government.
For many students social science becomes a boring subject and they score low as they are not interested in knowing about historical events and history or about the government.
Other subjects like math and science can have practical activities like finding measure of things around or experiments but for social science one can only visit historical monuments, natural parks or government institutes, etc which is not always possible. This becomes another reason for scoring fewer marks in the subject.
Another reason for disliking the subject can be the lack of concentration during lectures or class activities which ultimately leads to lower scores.
Social science classroom
Fifteen ways to make Social Science Interesting:Tell students to imagine a particular moment in history mentioned in their textbook. This can help them to have a clear idea of the topic.Act out historical events: Skits, talk shows and plays are a great way to engage students and motivate them to find a love for social studies. Bring a historical event to life by having students act out a particular event in history. Have students produce an event and assign each student a specific role to present to the class. After each presentation let students discuss what they learned.
Draw students in with technology: Technology has a way to motivate students and keep them engaged. Whether you are teaching a lesson on geography, history or on civics, technology has a way to draw students’ attention.
Make use of Internet: Internet provides many websites on educational topics. Many have fun games, multimedia presentations, quizzes, etc. on educational topics. All these really make bookish topics fun for the students and help them to understand and retain topics much better.
Try a Controversial Topic: An effective tool for encouraging critical thinking is to try a controversial topic. Provide students with a short background on any topic and let the debate begin. Write or say a statement that relates to the topic at hand and have each side plead their case. There is nothing like a fun debate to get students motivated to learn.
Idea for social science classroom
You can develop student interest and motivation in social studies by relating relevant content and current events to their daily lives.Be involved, discuss concepts with them and give them examples of social studies from their daily lives that they can relate to, instead of just complaining that social science is boring. Give concepts your own twist.
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Do practical projects and experiments with them. Doing really helps in understanding a topic instead of reading about it.
Get interesting books about different topics for the children. Keep the books accessible so that they can take them out when bored and read them.
Take your students to fun and interesting places like planetariums, zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, museums, botanical gardens, etc. to make the concepts clear.
Making useful notes plays a vital role in helping students to learn easily with perfection.
Show them videos and documentaries of the events covered in their syllabus. This will enhance the interest in the chapter or episode in history.
No effort done in this direction will be in vain. Every effort will have its own rewards on a child’s learning. Keep making the effort.Note : website will present notification of all types of Government and private jobs for you. To get Any new Jobs Notifications. You will have to keep looking our website Apart from this will give you the notification related to job like results, Callletter, Exam Study Materials, Current Affair etc. On our Website. Support us, Thank you.