Do you know how many hours a day your children or you use mobile? Install the app to find out
Track app usage and self control Digital detox Beat phone addiction
✦What is StayFree?
StayFree - Screen Time Tracker & Limit App Usage is a self control, productivity and phone addiction controller app that allow you to show how much time you spend on your smartphone and helps you focus by restricting the usage of apps. You can set usage limits for your apps and receive alerts when exceeding those usage limit. You can also view the details of your usage and statistics on your usage history.
✦What makes StayFree special?
✔ Highest rated screen time & self control app
✔ Extremely fast and user-friendly interface
✔ Most accurate usage statistics
✔ Quick customer support
✔ Battery friendly
✔ Totally ad-free!

StayFree - Screen Time Tracker & Limit App Usage helps you:
ðĩ overcome phone addiction
ð stay focused
ð self-control
ðą reduce screen time
ðĄ reduce distraction
ðŊ boost productivity
ðĪģ unplug more often
ð increase your digital wellbeing
ðŠ spend quality time with family or yourself
ðŠ reduce wasted time with digital detox
✦App’s Features:
★ App usage history: view charts and statistics of your usage history.
★ Over-use reminder: notify you when you are spending too much time in an app and start your digital detox.
★ Block mode: temporarily block any application that you are over-using.
★Focus mode: Create schedules for distracting apps to stay focused
★ Sleep mode: Schedule your sleep time to disable apps
★ Pause apps: Pause distracting apps to stop using rest of the day
★ Export mode: export your usage history to CSV or Microsoft Excel file.
★ Inspiring quotations: show inspiring quotations that encourage productivity and less usage of your phone.
★ Interface customization: there are 5 themes - customize the app how you want!
★ Lock mode: requires a password to change the settings.
★ Widget: show most used apps and total usage on a nice widget.
★ Pie chart graph: view daily and monthly application usage percentages.
Android's Accessibility Services are used for detecting which website you are on and, in turn, blocking the websites you have requested to block. All information is maintained in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Sensor Tower is using the respective permissions with active consent by the end-user.
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