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Guidelines and instructions for the Candidates for Online Examination are being conducted for evaluating the students’ performance for March – 2021 Remaining Exam Term-End Examination (TEE) for various courses. It is an Online Examination system, fully computerized, user-friendly having advanced security features making it fair, transparent, and standardized. The term-end examination will be conducted in an online proctored mode.
The candidate can take the test from the safe and secure environment of his/her home, with a desktop/laptop/smartphone (with a webcam) and an internet connection (uninterrupted internet speed is desirable). Candidates are requested to take the test honestly, ethically, and should follow all the instructions.
Basic Instructions for Online Examinations: A. General information:
1. The examination will comprise of Objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
2. All questions are compulsory and each carries one mark.
3. The total number of questions, duration of the examination, will be different based on the course, the detail is available on your screen.
4. The Subjects or topics covered in the exam will be as per the Syllabus.
5. There will be NO NEGATIVE MARKING for the wrong answers.
B. Information & Instructions:
Eligibility, Dates (Out) @ www.baou.edu.in/
1. The examination does not require using any paper, pen, pencil, and calculator.
2. Every student will take the examination on a Laptop/Desktop/SmartPhone
3. On the computer screen every student will be given objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
4. Each student will get questions and answers in different order selected randomly from a fixed Question Databank.
5. The students just need to click on the Right Choice / Correct option from the multiple choices /options given with each question. For Multiple Choice Questions, each question has four options, and the candidate has to click the appropriate option.
August-2021 Term Admission Open
"ડૉ. બાબાસાહેબ આંબેડકર ઓપન યુનિવર્સિટી કોવિડ-૧૯ શૈક્ષણિક સહાય યોજના” હેઠળ પ્રવેશ મેળવવા ઇચ્છતા વ્યક્તિઓએ નીચેની સૂચના મુજબ ફોર્મ ભરવાનું રહેશે.
માતા અને પિતા કે ઘરમાં એકમાત્ર આર્થિક ઉપાર્જન કરનાર વ્યક્તિના મૃત્યુનું પ્રમાણપત્ર અપલોડ કરવાનું ફરજિયાત રહેશે.
પ્રવેશ મેળવવા ઈચ્છુક વ્યક્તિ કોઈપણ પ્રકારની આર્થિક ઉપાર્જનની પ્રવૃત્તિ કરતા ન હોય તેવું યુનિવર્સિટી દ્વારા આપેલ નમૂના મુજબનું એફિડેવિટ, પ્રવેશફોર્મ સાથે અચૂક જોડવાનું રહેશે. એફિડેવિટનો નમૂનો નીચે આપેલ છે. રજીસ્ટ્રેશન માટે e-pin મેળવવા માટેની નિયત ફી (રૂ.૧૦૦) ભરી રજીસ્ટ્રેશન કરી પ્રવેશફોર્મ ભરવાનું રહેશે.
કોવિડ-૧૯ શૈક્ષણિક સહાય યોજના સૂચના
Admission last Date:30-09-2021
પ્રવેશ જાહેરાત

Online Choice Based Credit Course
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New Admission Instructions

ePIN Generate (Vocational/Certificate/Diploma/Graduation/P.G.Courses Courses(Only First-Year Students)
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New Admission (Vocational/Certificate/Diploma/Graduation/P.G.Courses Courses)
Apply New Admission Click Here

Pramotee - Registration Students (2nd Year, 3rd Year, 2nd Sem, 3rd Sem, 4th Sem, 5th Sem, 6th Sem)

Apply Vocational & Professional Courses Admission Click Here

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Certificate, Diploma, Graduation, P.G.Courses (For New Students)
Pramotee - Registration Students (SY/TY/MA-II)
Swayam Portal પર MOOCs અભ્યાસક્રમ અંતર્ગત સ્નાતક/અનુસ્નાતકના અભ્યાસક્રમ સાથે કરી શકાય તેવા વિવિધ બિનતકનીકી અભ્યાસક્રમોની યાદી
UG Course
PG Course

BAOU July 2021 Exam Hall Ticket Download Here
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open UniversityOnline Exam 2021
Guidelines and instructions for the Candidates for Online Examination Download
User Manual for Online Examination Download
More Detail Click Here
How To Download BAOU Hall Ticket of 2021?
Follow the link provided on this page to Download Your BAOU Hall Ticket. Students can download their Hall Ticket from the Official website of the Babasaheb Ambedkar University.
Baou August Exam Postponed Notification Click Here
Click on the link to BAOU HALL TICKET 2021
After clicking on the Link - the Hall ticket page will open
Enter your Enrollment Number
Click on the Submit button
Hall Ticket will open
Download and take the print out it.
BAOU HALL TICKET 2021 :- Download
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University External Admission 2021 http://www.baou.edu.in/
Old Course Time Table || New Course time table || main Time Table
Click Here TO Application Form
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University (BAOU) Admission 2021 www.baou.edu.in Application Form.Admission Procedure for regular and distance degree Course Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University (BAOU) Admission criteria 2020 BAOU Admission Form 2021 Online
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