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Photo Retouch - AI Remove Objects, Touch & Retouch APK Download 2020

Photo Retouch - AI Remove Objects, Touch & Retouch APK Download 2020

I’ve used this app for over a year. It removed power lines, unwanted people, stupid stuff you didn’t notice when taking a pic, and just about anything that you don’t want to appear in your finished photo.The only reason I didn’t give it 5 stars is because

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 if you launch the program, clean a photo up, save it back to your library, then return to the home screen of the app, then take another photo and want to clean it up, the app doesn’t reload your photo library content so it won’t offer to edit the new photo without force-quitting this app 

Photo Retouch also allows you to use eraser to restore what has just been removed or cloned. If there are some unnecessary changes and you want to restore the picture, the touch eraser can remove all changes. Photo editing has never been so quick, easy and convenient.


Photograph Retouch moreover permits you to use eraser to restore what has quite recently been eliminated or cloned. If there are some unnecessary changes and you need to restore the picture, the touch eraser can eliminate all changes. Photograph adjusting has never been so smart, straightforward and supportive

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