Online education October unti test preparation video std 6th science
Keep in mind that online learning may be new to your students, too, so weekly summaries or regular notes keeping them up-to-date, summarizing the past week, providing guidance for the week ahead and any other important communications will help orient them as well. These can be handled as a course email or course announcements in the LMS.
Not every student has access to the technology they need to take part in remote learning. To remove barriers, we’re partnering with organizations to help your school and district connect students to internet access, devices, and other resources.
If you are teaching face-to-face classes, your first impulse may be to think about your lectures. You may want to record lectures, narrated PowerPoints/slides or live sessions to make them available online. It is not hard to create some videos or narrated slideshows with technology that is often readily available. Be aware that you need to make sure these materials are accessible to all students, so transcripts or captions will need to be included. Your institution may have specific solutions for these accessibility accommodations, but automatic captioning in YouTube works well with a little effort on your part to make sure it’s there. Yes, this may be a little confusing for you at first, but meeting the needs of all of your learners is paramount.
A letter from the Editor Dear subscriber,Thank you!Your support for our journalism is invaluable. It’s a support for truth and fairness in journalism. It has helped us keep apace with events and happenings.The Hindu has always stood for journalism that is in the public interest. At this difficult time, it becomes even more important that we have access to information that has a bearing on our health and well-being, our lives, and livelihoods. As a subscriber, you are not only a beneficiary of our work but also its enabler.We also reiterate here the promise that our team of reporters, copy editors, fact-checkers, designers, and photographers will deliver quality journalism that stays away from vested interest and political propaganda.Suresh Nambath
Ranking Criteria In case two or more students score the same number of marks, ranks will be determined on the basis of the following criteria (Weightage will be given from top to bottom): Rule 1 - The student who will get more marks in Scholars’ Section will get higher rank. Rule 2 - The student who will get more marks in Math will get higher rank. Rule 3 - The student who will get more marks in Science will get higher rank. Rule 4 - Student who will get more marks in Mental & Logical Ability will get higher rank. Rule 5 - Student who will get more marks in English will get higher rank. Rule 6 - Time taken by student in completing the exam paper. The student who has taken lesser time will get higher rank. Rule 7 - If two students get the same marks, the student who is younger in age will be given preference.. 60 minutes video interview of 100 marks will be conducted for top 10 marks holders to decide the top 10 ranks.
Mr. Subramanian said that once schools reopen after the summer vacation, it is important that there is no undue pressure on the students and teachers to rush through portions. “Despite the fact that we were not able to have lessons now for these classes, we will be able to make it up in the upcoming academic year with some adjustments. Students should not be under any sort of pressure,” he said.
વિડીયો જોવા નીચે લીંંક આપેલ છે::
એકમ-6 તૈયારી વિડીયો જોવા અહિં ક્લીક કરો
એકમ-7 તૈયારી વિડીયો જોવા અહિં ક્લીક કરો
એકમ-8 તૈયારી વિડીયો જોવા અહિં ક્લીક કરો
10. DON’T FORGET to possess FUN
Plan off-screen activities for the entire family. Between school and work obligations, it’s rare for folks and youngsters to possess this much time together, so turn it into a chance for bonding. Write predictions for a television program that the entire family watches. Organize a tournament, family card games, charades, or chess, or get outside for a hike or walk together after school. Follow your community’s guidelines about safe behavior and events, of course, but confirm you continue to find time for fun together with your kids.