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Now Google Maps will tell you how many Covid-19 patients there are in your area

Now Google Maps will tell you how many Covid-19 patients there are in your area

“These sources get data from public health organizations like the World Health Organization, government health ministries, along with state and local health agencies and hospitals. Many of these sources already power COVID case information in Search, and we’re now expanding this data to Google Maps.”

With the cases of covid-19 not slowing down, technology giant Google on Wednesday announced a new feature for Google Maps. The latest feature in the Google Maps will be known as 'COVID layer' and according to Google it will show the users important information like number of covid-19 cases in an area which will help the users to take decisions of whether to go to that particular area or not. With the pandemic showing no signs of being contained, Google will roll out the new feature in its latest update this week on both Android and iOS this week. How the 'Covid layer' function will work Google in its blogpost has said that the users can see the data in Google Maps after opening the it and tapping on the layers button on the top right hand corner of the screen and clicking on the “covid-19 info". This will then show a seven-day average of new covid cases per 100,000 people for the area of the map you’re looking at, and a label that indicates whether the cases are trending up or down. Google will also add colour coding feature which will help the users to distinguish the density of new cases in an area. Trending case data is visible at the country level for all 220 countries and territories that Google Maps supports, along with state or province, county, and city-level data where available. Google will collect the data for the covid-19 cases in a particular area from different sources which will include Johns Hopkins, the New York Times, and Wikipedia. These sources get data from public health organizations like the World Health Organization, government health ministries, along with state and local health agencies and hospitals. Meanwhile, covid-19 cases in the U.S. increased 0.6% as compared with the same time Tuesday to 6.91 million, according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University and Bloomberg News. The increase matched the average daily gain over the past week. Deaths rose by 0.5% to 201,319. Subscribe to Mint Newsletters * Enter a valid email * Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. Share Via Click here to read the Mint ePapermint is now on Telegram. Join mint channel in your Telegram and stay updatedTopics GoogleCovid-19Google Maps

Once you hit OK, the map then tells you to zoom out to see the numbers. Right now in Guilford County, the map says there are 11.9 cases per 100,000 people and decreasing.

Google will also add colour coding feature which will help the users to distinguish the density of new cases in an area. Trending case data is visible at the country level for all 220 countries and territories that Google Maps supports, along with state or province, county, and city-level data where available.

Google has said in its blogpost that when the user opens the map on Google Map, then he will get the COVID-19 info feature in the layer button. As soon as we go to this feature, this map will change according to the position of Kovid. It will show an average of seven new cases per 100,000 people in the area and show whether cases are increasing or decreasing.

The figures for the last 6 days in the country are reassuring. Meanwhile, the number of people who have recovered is higher compared to the new case. On Wednesday, 86,703 infected people were identified while 87,458 patients recovered. There are now 9.66 lakh patients undergoing treatment. The figure was 10.17 lakh on September 17, meaning there have been 51,000 active cases in the last six days. The highest number of active cases was 24,000 on September 12.


So far 57 lakh 30 thousand 184 cases have come in the country. 46 lakh 71 thousand 850 people have recovered while 91 thousand 173 people have died. 1123 people lost their lives on Wednesday. These figures are according to the covid19india.org website.

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