Find out which shops will be open and which will be closed from today
The Union Home Ministry has clarified which shops can and cannot be opened in the country from today. All shops can be opened in rural areas. While in urban areas a little caution will be exercised in this matter. Here is the whole list ready which by reading you can know which shops will be open and which will be closed.
All shops in rural areas will be able to open
Rural shops in areas like shopping malls will not open
One-stop shops can be started in urban areas
The Home Ministry clarified the matter of opening shops
has been clarified which shops can be opened and which cannot. All shops in rural areas will be able to open. Rural shops in areas like shopping malls will not open. One-stop shops can be started in urban areas. The shops of the residence complex can be opened in the city. Shops cannot be started in the market complex in urban areas. Multi brand and single brand cannot be started in urban area 4. E-commerce company will be able to provide the necessities of life. The liquor shop cannot be opened in the hotel. No shops can open in hot spots and buffer zones.
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Which shops will open?
Shops registered under the Shops and Establishment Act
Permission to open shops near residential areas
Markets outside Manpa and Napa can be opened from today
Salons and beauty parlors will also be open in the non-hotspot area from today
Permission to open shops in rural and semi-rural areas
Items and services that may not be necessary can also be started
All types of shops in rural areas can be started from today
Also allowed to open market complex within the limits of Napa and Manpa
Permission to open all small shops around the residential area
The state has made an important decision for small and big shopkeepers, business professionals. All the shops in all the districts of the state except the mall as well as the marketing complex will be allowed to do their business from Sunday 26th April tomorrow. The decision has been announced by the Chief Minister in pursuance of the Government of India's declaration. Such concessions are subject to the Terms and Conditions. The area where the shop-business is allowed for business should be outside the containment area. The shop-business will have to keep 50 per cent of the regular staff of the business. Wearing masks and maintaining social distance will also be mandatory for shopkeepers. Containment areas declared by the local authority will be considered valid. The Chief Minister has also decided that 50 per cent staffing will be allowed in IT as well as ITES industries and if such industry is located outside the containment zone, such industries will also be allowed.
Will it be closed?
Markets, malls within Napa and Manpani
Cinema hall, mall, shopping complex, gym
Sports, complex, swimming pool
Entertainment park, theater, bar
The auditorium, assembly hall will be closed
Large stores, and markets that open once a week will be closed