provides software solutions for automation of service book preparation, maintenance, updating and verification.
Service Book is a document to record all the events of a Government servant in his/her entire service period and career, recording each and every administrative action concerning the Government servant right from the stage of his recruitment till his retirement to reflect the history of service of a Government employee.
The roll out of e-Service Book is a vital step towards establishing a fully automated Human Resource Management System (HRMS) with an employee self-service portal covering all employees of Government of India so that all processes of personnel management from “hiring to retiring” on digital platform dispensing the manual system of handling personnel management.
Maintenance of Service Books
A Service Book should be maintained by the Head of Office for every Government Servant (Gazetted and Non-Gazetted) holding a substantive post on a permanent establishment or officiating in a post or holding a temporary post likely to last for more than one year.
A service book shall be maintained for a Government servant from the date of his first appointment to Government service.
A service book must be maintained for every full time Govt. employee.
Head of the Office is responsible to open service book in duplicate immediately after the joining of an employee.
Attestation of Entries in Service Books
The Head of Office can delegate, to a subordinate gazetted officer under him, powers to attest entries in the service books of all gazetted officers (except his own) for the maintenance of which he is responsible. The Head of Office should however scrutinize at least ten per cent of these documents every year and initial the same in token of having done so.
Leave Account
A leave account shall be maintained for each Government servant (Gazetted or Non-Gazetted) by the Head of Office. Entries regarding leave in the leave account and the service book should be made distinctly.
Nature of Entries in Service Book
Every step in a Government servant's official life should be recorded in his service book.
The entries regarding increments, and fixation of pay should be based on the Increment Certificates, and Pay fixation statements. The declaration of the Government servant electing the new scale of Pay and the statement showing the fixation of his initial pay in the relevant scale in support of the entry in the service book should be pasted in the service book.
The declaration of Home-Town for purpose of Leave Travel Concession duly accepted by the competent authority should be pasted in the service book.
Every period of suspension from employment and every other interruption in service must be noted promptly with full details of its duration.
Periodical Inspection of Service Books by the Govt. Servant Concerned
The Head of Office should show the service book to each Government servant under his administrative control every year, and obtain his signature therein in token of his having inspected the service book. A certificate to the effect that he has done so in respect of the preceding financial year should be submitted by him to his next superior by the end of every September.
Entries regarding Date of Birth
The provisions of Rules 79 and 80 of GFRs should be observed with regard to the entry of the date of birth in the service book.
Entries regarding verification of service
In the beginning of each year all the service books should be taken up for verification of service by the Head of Office in terms of Rule 81 of GFRs and a certificate in the following manner recorded therein over his signature :- "Service verified upto (date) from ........................the record from which the verification is made''.
Note regarding receipts of nominations for pension/ DCRG & other important to entries
A clear note should be made in the service book regarding the receipt of nomination for DCR Gratuity and Family Pension and related not
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