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15 August Aamantran Patrika  FOR School for All Pdf 2 formet

15 August Aamantran Patrika  FOR School for All Pdf 2 formet

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In India General Holidays, usually mean Government Holidays or Public Holidays or Compulsory holidays, are holidays that usually observed everywhere like banks, government sector, public sector or private sector, schools etc. There are 17 compulsory holiday including above three national holidays. These holidays are provided by the central Government of India and these are common for all states and union territories of the nation.

India is a country of 29 states and 7 union territories where a different type of religious followers (Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Sikhs, Jain and others) lives together with a vast cultural heritage. They celebrate different types of festivals and cultural activities throughout the years, and which are varies from state to state.

Except this 17 compulsory central holidays (Gazetted Holidays), a state or Union Territory can get 2 or 3 more (sometimes up to 6 to 9) additional holidays. Basically, these extra holidays depend on the importance and priority of a festival by the state people. These optional holiday lists are selected by the Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committee and this list is usually called as Restricted Holidays.





No. GS-32/2018--PHD/102018/1411/GH: The Government of Gujarat is pleased to declare the following days to be Public Holidays for State Government Offices during the year 2019.

More Detail About Public Holiday 2019

PUBLIC HOLIDAYS, 2019 FOR BANKS(No. GS-32/2018-PHD/102018/1411/GH:- In pursuance of the explanation to section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, (XXVI of 1881) read with the Notification of the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs No. 39/1/68-Judl.III dated the 8th May, 1968, the Government of Gujarat, in consultation with Reserve Bank of India, Ahmedabad is pleased to declare the following days to be Public Holidays for banks in Gujarat during the year 2019.)
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15 August Aamantran Patrika  FOR School for All Pdf 2 formet

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